Personal Injury > Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys in Rogers, Minnesota
An area of law that is growing quickly these days is the area of alternative dispute resolution. People are seeing that through practices like mediation and arbitration they can resolve legal matters without having to go to court which saves time and money. The most common Arbitration that GLO is involved in is No-Fault Arbitration to get our clients medical bills paid and reinstated once an insurer has discontinued benefits. The arbitration typically takes place in a lawyers conference room close to where the client lives. The people present at these arbitrations are an arbitrator, who decides if benefits should be reinstated or stay discontinued, an attorney for the insurance company, an attorney who is arguing for the client, and the client.
GLO has been involved in numerous No-Fault arbitrations arguing to get injured peoples medical bills paid and force insurance companies to reinstate benefits for future care. GLO partners have also been appointed numerous times as the Arbitrator in No-Fault arbitrations. Mediation is a lot like arbitration except in some mediation the mediators decision is not binding. GLO also has been involved in mediation If you have any questions concerning an arbitration or a mediation you may be involved in, please do not hesitate to contact us. All initial consultations are free.